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Welcome to EFA
Evidence from Africa

Your premier platform dedicated to mobilizing and finding talents, infrastructure, partnerships, and resources to promote access to valuable African research datasets, evidence, innovations, and human capital on the African continent.

Our Mission

At EFA, we are committed to bridging the access gap to African research datasets, evidence, and innovations.

Through our partnerships and technical support initiatives, we provide platforms that connect individuals, organizations, and institutions with resources to drive sustainable development, innovation, and growth across Africa.

Our Vision

We envision a future where African research and innovations are readily accessible, empowering local talents and driving positive change in the continent’s development landscape.

How We Deliver Value

Research Datasets:

Access a comprehensive repository of African research datasets across various topics, empowering researchers, policymakers, and innovators with data to drive evidence-based decision-making and solutions. 

Our platform ensures ongoing benefit for research, innovation, and training.

Research Evidence:

Explore a wealth of research evidence from leading African scholars and institutions. 

From academic journals to policy briefs, we curate and disseminate insights to support evidence-informed practices across sectors.


Discover cutting-edge innovations and solutions developed by African talent, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. 

Our platform showcases creativity and ingenuity, showcasing the best of African ingenuity and fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across the continent.

Human Capital:

Connect with a diverse network of African experts and thought leaders across various fields.

EFA serves as a platform for talent mobilization, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, empowering individuals to leverage their skills for positive impact in their communities and beyond.


Forge strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations committed to advancing research, innovation, and human capital development in Africa. Collaborate on events and initiatives driving sustainable change and growth on the continent.

Discover More


Explore our strategic partnerships with organizations committed to African development.


Access additional resources and tools to support your initiatives.


Learn more about our team, mission, and values driving positive change in Africa.

Our work and resources for you


12 Years of Supporting Research Excellence

Towards better population healt



Raises awareness of the impact of African research on global challenges


Experts are behind everything we do

Enhancing maternal health services through digital innovation


Fostering research collaborations across Africa

Partnerships are fruitful and 


Contact Us

Reach out to the EFA team for inquiries, partnership opportunities, or feedback. 

We are here to support and empower the vibrant African research and innovation community.

Join us on Evidence from Africa (EFA) to unlock the potential of African talent and drive positive change for a brighter future on the continent. 

Together, let's make a difference in African research and innovation!